2150, N Deer Creek Place
Tucson, AZ 85749


Planning, Programming and Budgeting

Project setup stages:

With a vast experience of setting up teams for global projects as well as providing extra resources to support customers’ in-house development, we have polished our setup procedure and worked out the following algorithm:

  1. Preparation : 
  • Requirements analysis
  • Scope definition
  • Expertise mapping
  • Process outlining
  • Roadmap development

2. Team composition: 

  • Candidates approval
  • Team setup
  • Knowledge acquisition
  • Infrastructure setup
  • Methodology definition

3. Team integration :

  • Knowledge sharing
  • Performance optimization
  • Progress reporting
  • Team scaling
  • KPI control

Distributed teams: collaboration practices

Working in distributed teams, we have refined our cooperation and project management processes and mastered leading industry practices and methodologies. We are able to overcome geographic, language and cultural barriers and seamlessly integrate into globally distributed multi-vendor team environments.

Common infrastructure

  • Integrated codebase
  • Single CI server
  • Hourly automated builds

Inter-team alignment

  • Technology alignment
  • Tool matching
  • Knowledge transfer

Multi-team management

  • Accountable roles matching
  • Project progress tracking
  • Completed phases analysis


  • Project management tools
  • Wikis and blogs
  • Shared mailing lists


  • Sprint planning
  • Regular standups
  • Retrospectives